Blog Archive

Monday, January 17, 2011


Martin Luther King Day; a day so many of us take it for granted.  Nevertheless, it is not a day that should ever be taken for granted. It is a day of thought and reflection. 

Martin Luther King had a dream.  A dream he never gave up on.  A dream that would affect all of us. 
Thanks to him, we know brotherhood and equality. 

My 4 year old and I will be reading about Martin Luther King and as she said, "I want to draw pictures of this great man, mommy!"  I cannot wait to see her depiction of him on paper!

It is important for me to instill the value of respect for those who have sacrificed for us, to my daughter.  In the process of teaching her, I get to learn and remember the importance of history all over again.

Wishing you all a happy MARTING LUTHER KING DAY!

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